The Perfect Summer Dress


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I used to not be a summer person, let alone a frolic in the fields person. However, having just moved to an even more scorching part of town, I'm just now starting to gear up and get ready to be a person who enjoys hot temps and sunshine, and I'm actually excited about it. I'm probably making myself sound crazy, but I honestly have always been partial to layering and jackets over summer dresses, which I've talked about at great length. But then came along the Hydra dress by Loup Charmant. I first saw this dress on a friend in sky blue last spring, and was immediately smitten. She told me it was from her sister's line and I started stalking it on the internet. It's not exactly cheap (with good reason), so I just wasn't ready to take the plunge. But THEN my friends at Midland started carrying it this year and I now I felt like it needed to happen (they also have it in terra cotta and a muted blue so call them for those colors). I was hesitant about the lavender at first (I originally thought I'd get it in blush, white, navy or sky blue - which I may just still have to do) but a lot of you commented that you loved the color on my Instastory while I was still in the store, so I went for it! Once I got it home and saw it hanging with the rest of my wardrobe, I was convinced that there is indeed a place for purple in my closet. I just love everything this dress stands for: it's soft, light, breezy, feminine, and forgiving. All that a summer dress should be.

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Photography by Ashley Burns

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