Sailor's Nursery In The New House


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The last time I featured Sailor's nursery was when she was a newborn, and we had just finished decorating it in our West Hollywood apartment. A lot has changed since then. We moved into our house in the suburbs and she's now almost a year and a half old. The space we have to work with in this room is definitely different from the one in the apartment: it's smaller, one wall is almost entirely a window (great for light, not great for furniture placement), the ceilings are lower, but the room is all hers instead of sharing the closet with me (in the apartment, all of my clothes lived in her room). In terms of the decor though, basically nothing has changed aside from having to take out a couple of decorative pieces that we didn't have room for (the mobile and some of the framed art). We did make a couple of new additions: the light fixture, curtains, and a new rug from Costco which we're all in love with. It's SO soft, cushy, and cheap enough that we don't worry too much about the fact that it's white. However, I did instate a "no shoe zone" rule in her room which is luckily much easier to do in the house than it was in the apartment. I should also note that Sailor's crib now comes in all white without the gray bottom, which I wish existed when we bought this one. As you can see below, we may have to switch to the toddler rail soon since she's about ready to break out. This is truly the only room in the entire house that's even close to finished. Baby steps.

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Chester the Raccoon by Walnut Animal Society (above) is Sailor's obsession of the moment. She lights up and screams his name whenever she sees him (mind you, she STILL doesn't call me Mama or Mom or Mommy). My friend Lauren (the talented mastermind and maker of these amazing animals) was so sweet to add a custom touch to the outfit with blush suspenders, and we even got some of her gorgeous dresses to cross-dress him in (couldn't miss out on the dresses even though he's technically a boy). I'm looking forward to when Sailor is old enough to enjoy dress-up. If you have a little one or are about to, these dolls are seriously exquisite and you have to get the adorable book too.

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//Photography by Ashley Burns