Spring Workout Wear


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As a person who has a hard time making working out a lifestyle (you guys know), I can definitely say that mid to late spring is the time when it starts to feel like the season is on my side. Knowing that summer is right around the corner, when low back dresses, cutoff shorts, and of course bathing suits on hot days are looming, I can't help but feel more ready to turn a corner with my routine. As I get older, it's not so much about needing to see a certain image in the mirror anymore. I've learned by now that being motivated by visible results creates frustration and impatience. But when I treat FEELING GOOD and CONFIDENCE as my top goals, I get those results immediately. It's amazing how days that start off with a workout, staying hydrated throughout the day (especially with Bikini Punch), and have healthy snacks feel so successful. Even if I'm not perfect, setting the intention and following through on making some healthy changes go such a long way.

Originally, this post was meant to be all about the workout wear that's getting me excited to get moving this season (and it kind of still is), but as I got going, I started to feel like it's about more than just the clothes! Isn't it always? Haha.

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If you were following my journey when I started the Tone It Up program last year (see my first post here), you might be wondering where my "after" photos are. Well there are no after photos yet. I'm still working on it. It's a constant... process. First I typed "struggle" but I'm not going to call it a struggle because I honestly believe that if it feels like an uphill battle, it's not the right thing. It's about living a healthy life that you can still enjoy without making yourself miserable. Sometimes I feel like I would almost rather be a little fat and still have pizza and wine if that's what it takes. But in the end, it's all about balance. I can't truly enjoy the pizza and wine if I didn't work for it, ya know? So, a quick recap on my history: I had a baby, started Tone It up last June, lost 12 pounds over the summer. Then I let up on it a little but retained a lot of the new habits over the fall and winter (when we moved into our new house). I have kept the weight off for the most part, but let a few things slip at the beginning of the year when I was (as usual) trying to fit too much into the days. You can read my latest update here.

Which brings us to now. I am still totally in love with Tone It Up and am feeling ready for the Bikini Series, which they just announced this week! It's the new version of the 8-week program that I did last year but I joined late and didn't get to do it at the same time as the community. This year, I'm going to do it on their timeline so I can join in with the team. Being "on the plan" means living the lifestyle, but it doesn't mean you have to eat every exact thing they're eating each day or doing every exact workout. You can swap in your own TIU approved meals, and do your own workouts if you want to go for a walk, swim, or take a class. If you're thinking of doing it too, I highly recommend you sign up now, which you can do here, so you can start preparing and getting excited! I really love what Karena and Katrina have created. Not only are they drop dead gorgeous and all the #goals, they really figured out how to make their community feel supported and inspired every step of the way. I love getting all their e-mails, and following their Instagram. Plus, we can all keep each other motivated!




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Back to the clothes. For this next challenge, I'm excited about the idea of having a few new pieces to work into my wardrobe and help with my wood intention. Last year I didn't really update my workout wardrobe because I knew I had some weight to lose before I wanted to buy anything. But this time, I'm thinking about how the fitness gear can incorporate into my daily life more - like wearing some cute leggings with a white v-neck tee and sneakers around town, and then just fit my workout in whenever I get a moment, without having to change my outfit. I noticed that everything in my fitness pile was black, and I thought maybe it would be fun to bring in some lighter neutral tones for the warmer seasons. Any favorites you got your eye on?