
I had a skincare post ready to go for yesterday, and still today it sits there. I haven't felt right publishing anything after Sunday night's tragedy in Vegas. I don't know how to talk about beauty products in light of something like this, and personally, I'm feeling especially defeated and pissed off after this one. I don't know when the madness will end and what's going to make it better. Close friends of mine were affected by this horrific event (have friends who were there and helped others escape, carry the wounded, or ran for their lives) and I'm shocked and disheartened to hear the personal accounts.

I've never been so sad to live in the "era" that we do right now. I'm not an expert on social media when it comes to these things, as I've said before. I shut down. I'm at a loss for words, but I vowed to get better at finding them and using them in the best way that I can in this climate. It's all a jumble, but I recommend having real in-person conversations with friends and loved ones, support each other in every way, and love on your kids and family. And call your representatives. We may not know the answers or have an immediate solution, but we CAN practice love, compassion, and decency in our own lives, making a positive impact on our children and those we encounter everyday. Here are three things I know about helping right now:

Blood isn't needed anymore. I looked into this and I guess everyone else had the same idea.

Here's a GoFundMe for the victims.

Text ACT to 64433 to get connected with Everytown.  They will send you updates about taking action to reduce gun violence in your community - from Molly McNearney, who is my best source of easy ideas for taking action these days).

I think skincare can wait until tomorrow, but believe you me, I got some good clean products to share with you.


Illustration by Alessandra Olanow, found via Kelly Golightly who also wrote a wonderful post with some great ways to help.

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