Workshop Recap


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A few weeks ago I hosted my first official open-to-the-public Fashion Feng Shui workshop here in LA! Starting this series was one of my number one goals for 2017 and I can honestly say that it feels so good to finally be actively doing them. I would do one every week if I could! I have always thought that Fashion Feng Shui would thrive in a group setting because what better way to learn something new about yourself than in the company of others who are doing the same? This group of women inspired me so much with their openness to share and learn, and lift each other up in gaining this new understanding of their own personality and ideal sense of style. WMN Space provided the perfect setting, where we could feel totally relaxed and nurtured. Tasty organic/vegan/gluten free baked goods by To Bake and Be and cold pressed juices by Juice Served Here kept us nourished and happy. I asked the attendees come to the workshop with a few items of clothing from their wardrobes which were so fun to examine and discuss why each item is working or not working for everyone based on their specific elements. Each time I teach one of these workshops I am finding new ways to make them better, and I am so excited to share that my next one is already set and coming up soon! So if you missed out on this one, mark your calendar for August 12th and register here! I can't wait to do it all again. Hope to see you there!

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Photography by Ashley Burns