No Brainer White Dress


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Is it just me or do clothes at Target register as free in your brain? I mean, if we go there for something respectable like laundry detergent or paper towels, if a cute dress manages to make its way into your cart, it's not like you went shopping for clothes like a terrible person would. This is why Target is my jam, as I've shown (remember this outfit?) and will continue to show in the coming weeks. I especially love that Who What Wear collection. So many cute pieces! You gotta be careful though. While a lot of them are really impressive, some of them inevitably look and feel cheapy and might be prone to never being worn. I love mixing inexpensive pieces in my wardrobe, but I think it's a good idea to try to treat the decision like they are expensive to avoid buying stuff you don't actually love or will wear. This white dress was a no brainer. It's so comfortable, flattering, and easy to dress up or down. You need to go to Target today for dishwasher pods, right?

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Dress / Sunglasses / Sandals / Vintage bag


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Photography by Ashley Burns

