Serrano Watermelon Margarita


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No matter how hard I try to tackle my daily To Do list, there are always at least two or three things that didn't quite make it to being crossed off.  But how good does it feel when you can actually look at your list at the end of the day and say you did everything you were hoping to do that day? It's a huge win in my book. Lately I've been having a lot of days where no To Do list item is avoidable, which can make for a stressful day. But when it's over, it MUST be celebrated with a margarita in the backyard, am I right? You guys know I'm not one to fuss over my cocktail making, even though I love for them to taste like I did. I'm not usually making syrups on the stove (maybe one day I'll get a bit more willing) but rather I'm looking for what I have in the fridge to create something unique and special that can be whipped up in a minute. Today in partnership with Tropicana, I'm sharing this DELISH serrano watermelon margarita using their premium watermelon juice that's just begging to be an easy cocktail mixer for those impromptu backyard celebrations!

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2 oz Tropicana Premium Watermelon juice

1.5 oz tequila

.5 oz Cointreau

Juice of one lime

Serrano slices

Stevia drops (about 10)

Watermelon and lime slices for garnish

Chili lime spice (Tajín or Trader Joe's chile lime)

Rim the glass with lime juice and a little sugar or honey for stickiness, then dip in the spice (I spread it on a small plate). In a mixer with a handful of ice (I put mine in the blender to create a crushed effect) add the watermelon drink, tequila, Cointreau, lime juice, serrano slices (depending on how much heat you want), and stevia drops. Shake, pour and serve with watermelon/lime garnishes. Enjoy and celebrate a To Do list well done!

This post is sponsored by Tropicana.

Photography by Ashley Burns

