The Next Fashion Feng Shui Workshop



Big news you guys! So, in February I hosted my first Fashion Feng Shui workshop for a group of inspiring women (recap here), and it was exactly what I envisioned when I set out to start doing workshops: women coming together in the pursuit of a better understanding of themselves, a more authentic style, and a vision to honor their intentions. I couldn't wait to get to planning the next one! SO here it is. My next Fashion Feng Shui workshop is open for registration and you need to be there! If you're in the LA area, mark your calendar for Saturday, June 17th from 10-1, and get ready for a major style overhaul. I chose WMN Space for this session, not just because I immediately fell in love when I first went there, but because it is the perfect place for an intimate group of women to gather for growth, healing, and support for each others goals and pursuits. Lately, I've been describing Fashion Feng Shui as a holistic approach to personal style. It's not style for trends and keeping up with the joneses, which I feel fashion can tend to be a lot of the time. This is about getting in tune with your style in a way that honors who you are, and who you want to become.

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If you've been following along with my FFS content, then you know that it's not a concept that can be explained in a few sentences. There is so much depth to what it is and what it can do for you. It's like a secret language for understanding style and people. The five elements : water, wood, fire, earth, and metal are used to understand the different energies found in our clothing and personalities. Why does something look so good on her, but looks terrible on me even if we share some of the same characteristics? So much of what works for us goes deeper than matching hair color and skin tones. If you're new to my blog or Fashion Feng Shui in general, you can read my intro post on it here.


Thinking of signing up? In this workshop you will learn about the five elements and which ones represent you. Then you will see specific examples of how these elements come through in our fashion choices, and how you can dress to best honor your own essence and intentions. You will be asked to bring items from your closet so you can see how this directly applies to your favorite (or not so favorite) pieces and why, and share in the journey to a honed personal style with the support of other women doing the same. You will walk away with a whole new game plan for your closet when you get home. Let's do this together!

SIGN UP HERE. Hope to see you there!


Photos: Ashley Burns, WMN Space, Heather Kincaid
