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Welcome back to Fashion Feng Shui class! Before we move on to the second element, I want to take a moment to say a big thank you to all who have read through my intro post and the first element (water), and are following along with this series! I am SO loving sharing this concept with you guys and hearing all your feedback. Please feel free to leave any questions you might have in the comments and I'm happy to answer them! And here we go today with our second element, WOOD!

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What is wood?  Wood is full of life. It grows out of the ground in an upward motion. Wood is anything plant based : trees, flowers, grass. It's natural, and it's always moving towards a greater state.

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Who is wood? The archetype for wood is the Pioneer. Pioneers are the movers and the shakers of the world. The busy bodies. People who are focused on movement, and the hustle. They are constantly on the go, and that's exactly how they like it. If things die down, they pick them right back up to keep going because they're happiest when in motion. When I think of wood, I always think of my brother-in-law (my sister's husband) who will literally run a marathon in the morning, go to his nephew's birthday in the afternoon, brew beer with a friend around 5, and then play in a hockey game in the evening. Just a normal Saturday night. All of the woods I know are self starters, and they don't stop until they accomplish all their big dreams. They can also be health focused, dynamic, and ambitious.

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How do we wear wood? I love to play in the sporty side of wood, but you can wear it in any of the following ways:

COLOR: blues, greens, and freshy springy hues


STYLE: sporty, moveable, or boho. Mostly, it's anything that allows this busy bee to accomplish all they need to in a day.

SHAPE: columnar, vertical

FABRIC: plant based fabrics. So, cotton, denim, linen, hemp, bamboo.

PATTERN: vertical stripes, leaf, and floral prints

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How can wood help you? Wood is a super powerful element for our intentions. If you have goals having to do with ambition, being more of a self starter, taking initiative, health and fitness, and getting a lot done, wood is the element you want to add to the mix. Last summer when I finally reached the point post baby where I wanted to get fit again, I made a distinct point to bring wood into my style. I wore yoga pants, a cool white track jacket, or sneakers whenever possible and it served as a constant reminder of my intention. I'm telling you, it worked! These choices definitely made me go on more walks, and fit in little workouts whenever I could. In general, love adding sporty touches. There's something just fresh, fun, and inspiring about it! I was never much of an athlete, but I always wanted to be. There are a lot of directions you can take wood too. The boho style is a bit of a water/wood hybrid, or preppy style can be wood/metal. Just have fun with it, and GO GET EM!

So? Any WOODS out there?

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Top / Jacket / Jeans / Sneakers / Hat / Sunglasses


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Photography by Heather Kincaid