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You know those pieces that just speak for themselves? I'm talking about the ones that when you wear them, you don't have to spend a second thinking about the rest of the outfit because they ARE the outfit. These are the types of things we never want to spend money on because they're not always the most versatile. But man, having a killer item or two like that in your wardrobe is just oh-so-fun and debatably necessary. I thought this jacket was ridiculous at first but it's so liberating to throw it on with a plain white tee, black skinnies, and whatever booties are closest to the door, and still get to feel badass instead of half-assed.

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Jacket / Tee / Jeans (old from Gap but these are similar) / Boots (obsessed with these and they're on sale!) / Purse / Sunglasses


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Photography by Ashley Burns

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