4 Easy Life Changes For 2017
The new year always brings up a lot of wishes for change and improvement, but I find that some resolutions feel so hard to achieve. In a way, they end up more like weights on our shoulders and reasons to feel bad about ourselves. This month, I'm trying to approach my resolutions with a bit of softness and understanding for the reality of daily life. I'm looking to make small daily changes that are easy to succeed with but contribute to a more broad improvement to my well being. So today I'm sharing four easy things I've started doing this month that I honestly feel are game changers for my wellness jam!
1. Charging the phone away from the bedside. This sounds like such a small thing, but I feel that the real difficulty of it probably just speaks to how dependent I am on my device. I used to wake up and fall asleep every day looking at my phone but now I actually allow myself to focus on my thoughts and talk to Ian to start and end the day by setting the phone aside at those times. It's also removing the electromagnetic energy from my immediate space while I'm supposed to be resting from it, which is surprisingly noticeable. I feel so much more relaxed and I swear I sleep better without that thing right next to my head. Not only that, I find myself feeling more free from my phone throughout the day as I make little efforts to just put it away during important moments rather than keeping it at my side constantly like I used to.
2. The Five-Minute Journal. This is probably my favorite of the four. I'm a big believer in two things : making lists to organize my thoughts and goals, and acknowledging my gratitude everyday in one way or another. This journal prompts me to do both things at the beginning and end of each day, and it only takes five minutes. All you have to do is write down three things you're grateful for and three goals for the day. So simple but it's AMAZING how much it sets the tone for the day, and keeps my expectations in check. It allows me to focus on what's most important, and understand right from the start that it's not reasonable to think that everything I want to accomplish in a week can happen in one day. I highly recommend you get this journal stat!
3. Tea. Growing up in my mom's house, I've always been a tea drinker. We had tea every single day at 4pm, British style. But lately I'm remembering how amazing tea is for all sorts of different purposes. Aside from keeping me cozy and warm, there's a tea for everything. Whether you need to wind down, a pick-me-up, speed up the metabolism, to settle your stomach, or clear your throat, it always manages to make you feel better. I've been growing my collection of teas and I look forward to a cup to cozy up with everyday, for whatever my needs are at that moment.
4. Essential oils. I never understood what the hype was about but I kept hearing about using oils for all sorts of different purposes. Then a friend introduced me to peppermint oil after a long night out in Austin and it seriously just refreshed me beyond belief. I had to see what other possibilities were waiting for me in that section at Whole Foods. Our whole family got the worst cold over the holidays so I was desperate. I picked up this defuser at Michaels (yes, with a coupon), and started my collection with that peppermint oil, which totally cleared my sinuses right up. Then I added frankincense which I love to use to make the house feel warm and cozy, and eucalyptus to clear the air and create a spa-like feel. Now that I'm done being sick, I can actually smell what I defuse in the whole room and I'm obsessed! I need to get more oils stat. I'd love to hear your recommendations if you're into them too!
II want to hear about the resolutions you guys are implementing this month! What's sticking so far? Let me know and I'll add them to my list!