The Etsy Elite
Row 1: Layered + Long necklace / La Fabrique a Lettres design / Little Flower Soap Co. bath set / Row 2: Kate Zaremba Company wallpaper / Lee Coren make-up bag / Seedling Plantation serving bowl / Row 3: The Object Enthusiast ring dish / Gray December measuring cups / Tocamade ear pin
Layered + Long - A simple, stylish jewelry shop that offers customization for special gifts
La Fabrique a Lettres - Letters and figures made of fencing materials from France
Little Flower Soap Co - All natural soaps, lip balms, bath salts, and more, made with only the highest quality ingredients
Kate Zaremba - Prints and papers made from original designs from this DC based artist
Lee Coren - Escapism inspired fabric prints made into everyday usable pieces
Seedling Plantation - A collection of vintage pieces that put an emphasis on pretty
The Object Enthusiast - Handmade dishes, potters, and other ceramics with a golden touch
Gray December - Hand painted pottery for the quirky ones
Tocamade - Modern and delicate jewelry from Spain