Channel It: A Week of Sex and the City


Attention Sex and the City fans! This week, The Life Styled is all for you! Admit it - you've been counting down the days ever since word broke of a sequel. No matter how "seasoned" our favorite foursome gets, there is just no better silver screen experience for us fans and inspired fashionistas than a new Sex and the City movie. New storylines, new witty banter, new love triangles... and allll new fashions said to be worth a collective $10 mil. Could you just die?


To mark this champagne toast-worthy occasion, there's no more appropriate topic than our four favorite New Yorkers, and their iconic styles. Each day this week, we'll be taking an elemental look at the fabulous femmes, and how their wardrobes honor the characters we all relate to in one way or another. Whether you're a prim and proper Charlotte, a no holds barred Samantha, an unstoppable Miranda, or a star of the show Carrie (who are we kidding? We all think we're Carrie), we'll cover everything you need to know about dressing SATC style, especially the pressing question of the week - what to wear to the premiere?


Absolutely adored the bridesmaid looks from Carrie's non-wedding in the first movie! Carrie's wedding dress? You either loved it or you hated it.


If you've made special plans to see the movie with your girlfriends and celebrate with dinner or drinks, chances are you're not planning on rolling out of bed and going in your scrubbies to this one. But yet, if we waltz into the theatre looking like we recreated one of Samantha's desert diva outfits from the movie, we may just cross over into whatever territory those cape-wearing Star Wars camper-outers are in - a place I don't think we want to be.

So this week, your mission is to find those perfect pieces that would make Patricia Field proud, but still stay in the realm of appropriate movie-going attire. And don't worry - we've got all sorts of ideas for SATC inspired outfits that will turn heads - in a good way of course.

There's no question about it - these ladies sure know style, and sport a drool worthy wardrobe maybe .01% of the population could actually afford. But even if we don't fall into that lucky category, we get to pull inspiration from the show that taught us how fashion can contribute to our identity in the most fun and unencumbered way.

Haven't seen the full trailer, or just need to see it again to perk up your Monday morning? Take a moment.
