No Bright Colors


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What happens when you go around town talking all about how much you hate bright colors and how you never wear them, and then you go and find a dress like this and immediately say, "sign me up"? Well for one, you wear the dress. Second, you admit to being a "no colors" poser and hang your head in shame. Can't you see from the above photo that this is tearing me up inside? OK not really. You rock the colors proudly and maybe stop hating on them so much.  There's something about the multi tones in a floral embroidery on a white dress for summer that really speaks to me. I'm not convinced that it's the best look on me over the neutrals I love so much, but certain times of the year just call for not taking yourself too seriously. Now I need a margarita! It is Cinco de Mayo afterall.3R1A4651 copy

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Dress / Sunglasses / Sandals & clutch are both super old but see similar options below

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Photography by Ashley Burns
