Applying False Lashes



It's safe to say that I'm no beauty expert, but I certainly have spent a larger percentage of my adulthood than I care to admit obsessing over it. Not in an unhealthy way, but just because I enjoy it. It's fun being a girly girl sometimes. I remember when I first started wearing false lashes. I would only do it if I could go to the Mac store in Soho and have them apply them for me - only on very special occasions. That worked fine, but it was a hassle and certainly pricier (their lashes run $15+ a pair). Some people keep them for multiple wears, but I don't like the idea of glue residue or bacteria left over from previous wears, so I'm a one-night-pair kinda girl. Eventually I started to experiment with applying them myself and ultimately got the hang of it. So I'm sharing my favorite method today, in case any beginners out there want to give it a go!

3R1A8196 copy1. Stock up on lashes. I recommend getting at least two pair so you have a backup, or so you can try different styles. I love the Ardell ones. They're cheap ($4 or so), accessible (you can buy them at Target and most drug stores). If all goes well, you'll be excited to wear them again. ;) I've linked some styles I personally like at the bottom of this post. Aside from the lashes, you'll need:

- Eyelash glue - I recommend the black Duo glue. It blends along the lashes better than the "clear" glue which can end up more visible against the lashes and your eyeliner.

- Tweezers

- Scissors

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2. After you're finished with your eye makeup (including liner and mascara), open your pack of lashes and apply a drop of glue to the tray and let it sit for a minute or two to start getting tacky.

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3. Remove the lashes from the tray and lay one of them over your eyelashes to measure the length of the strip. You may need to trim a little off the ends, depending on your eyes. I have to trim about a quarter inch off the end of most lashes. You don't want them to start all the way to your inner corner, or go past where your lashline ends.

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4. Trim the excess length with a scissor, off the outer end - the side with the longer lashes. Don't discard the end piece you trimmed off. We'll still use it.

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5. Using tweezers to hold onto the lashes, lightly run the base of the strip through the glue so you coat it, but not submerge it where you get glue into the actual lashes. You just need a tiny amount, but all along the strip. Make extra sure you get a good layer on the two corners.

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6. Holding on to the lashes with the tweezer, blow on the glue for 10 seconds or so to let it get a bit tackier. This makes sticking them on much easier than if the glue is too liquidy and wet . I like to hold one end with the tweezer and the other with my fingertips (see below) to get a good grip on them.

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7. Now for the hardest part. Don't freak out. Find your most comfortable grip with your fingers/tweezer so you have a good hold of the lashes but can also see what you're doing in the mirror. Lean in real close and carefully set the lashes on top of yours, touching the glued part to the base of your own lashes. It may not be in the right spot at first but you can now carefully adjust them using the tweezers into the right spot. Once you find it, sort of hold them in place on the inner and outer ends, so they don't try to get away. This is the part that takes some practice, but after a few tries you'll be a pro. Let the glue dry for 30 seconds or so with your eyes partially open.

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8. Lastly, the easy part (optional). So we don't waste any of the lash, take the part you trimmed off and coat the base with glue. Layer that piece on the outer corner of your lashes for some added density. This part also has the longest lashes, so it brings a bit more drama to the overall look. Once you're done, you can always go back in with your eyeliner and touch up any areas that need it along the lash line.

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What I love about applying lashes myself is that I don't have to save it for only the most special occasions. It's a fun way to add a bit more oomph to my look for a random night out or a blog photo shoot! Let me know how it goes if any of you try this out!

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Photography by Ashley Burns

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