Fashion Feng Shui Workshop


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A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of finally getting to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time: host my first official Fashion Feng Shui workshop! This was in the works since last fall, and my number #1 To Do list item for 2017. I've been working with clients one-on-one to teach them about Fashion Feng Shui and help them learn how they can use it in their own lives/wardrobe for years, but I have always felt that it would be so perfect in a group setting. That way, the attendees can learn so much not only from the clothes and the curriculum but from each other. Nothing shows you how you're unique like being in a room full of inspiring women who all have their own style and backgrounds. We ate the yummiest food by Cast Iron, drank mimosas on a Tuesday, and learned all about how fashion can help us have the best year ever by being who we're meant to be.0015 copy

0013 copyWhen I was first trying to picture where the workshop should take place, there was only one venue that kept coming to mind: Light Lab, duh! I just love that place and the ladies behind it, and couldn't imagine it being anywhere else! It served as the prettiest location with plenty of decor eye candy and a comfy space for us to hang for the day.

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I wanted the day to have a good mix of fashion, learning and getting inspired, but also mingling, eating, and sipping coffee and grapefruit mint mimosas. It was so nice to see so many women I admire in one room, talking about their personalities and style, and seeing how we all identify with the five elements. I loved how the group was able to weigh in and help each other figure out their essence. It's not always easy to nail down, so I think it helped the girls to be able to ask questions and see how each person was different from the next. It brought me so much joy to see everyone getting into it!

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I am obsessed with the blooms that White Fig Designs created for the day. I asked Erin for "lots of white, blush, and pops of black" which is not the easiest task when it comes to flowers. But she blew my mind with these black ranunculus which I didn't even know existed, but I'm not mad at it one bit! I loved getting to place those stunning arrangements around the house after the workshop and enjoy them for the week following.

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HUGE thanks to Cast Iron who catered the most ridiculously delicious and healthy lunch for us. We all had plenty of yellowtail, shrimp, salad, and green veggies to eat yet I basically left the workshop craving it again for dinner because it was so insanely good. I'm not kidding - I keep trying to strategize ways to get to eat this meal again, not to mention they were an absolute pleasure to work with. If you're in the LA area and ever need an event catered (they also offer an easy drop-off catering option), I would not hesitate to use them!  Don't get me started on the mascarpone strawberry dessert! That was probably the number one thing we all remember from the workshop as a whole. Just kidding... but not really.

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I am so incredibly grateful that my mom was here to help me make this workshop a reality. From the initial brainstorming to the logistical planning, assembling all the clothing and details, setting up the space, and keeping the day on track, I could not have done this without her. She's the one who introduced me to Fashion Feng Shui in the first place (and who taught me everything I know about style and creativity) so it was only right that she be such a major part of this event!

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So THANK YOU to all who came to my first workshop and helped make it a success. It was seriously one of my favorite days yet. AND guess what? Plans are already in the works for the next one! Would you want to come? Let me know in the comments if you would be interested because I'd love to know! And stay tuned for more info as it comes together! Can't wait to do it all again.

Photography by Heather Kincaid