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Today we're talking about the fourth element of Fashion Feng Shui: EARTH. It's funny because this is the element I have always felt I'm the furthest away from, but in prepping these posts I realized how much I've connected with it the past year or so. It's healthy to have a balance of the elements in your personality, and while some might be stronger than others, there's an inevitable eb and flow of the five in our lives. One of the main questions I get about finding one's Fashion Feng Shui essence is, "What if I identify with multiple elements?" You will! No one is easily defined by one category. Most people can't immediately identify which element represents them the most. You need to hear about all five before deciding. And remember, when it comes to discovering your essence, you're listening for the one that if you were to take it away, you would feel the most unlike yourself. Before you read any further, have you read these posts? Intro / Water / Wood / Fire. And here is EARTH...

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What is earth? Earth is a solid foundation on which life can be supported. It is strong, comforting, reliable, and firm. Rocks, gravel, soil, and sand make up earth's texture.

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Who is earth? The archetype for earth is the peacemaker. Peacemakers are the mother figures of the world. The nurturers and loyal friends. They constantly put everyone else's needs before their own, and they're happy to be relied upon by their friends, family, and their community. Earths can be traditional and set in their ways. They are happy in their routine, and resistant to a lot of change. They're altruistic, humble, and the first person you would call if you needed someone to lean on.

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How do we wear earth? 

COLOR: Warm neutral tones. Brown, beige, terra cotta, olive, tan, oatmeal.

TEXTURE: Nubby, grainy, cozy textures.

STYLE: Classic, timeless staples are ultimate earth pieces. Save the crazy, fleeting trends for Fire or Water. Earth is found in perfect trench coat, a pair of oxfords, or a vintage purse from your grandmother's closet (like this one of my grandma's!).

SHAPE: Square, boxy.

FABRIC: Anything textured, classic, warm, soft, and cozy.

PATTERN: Plaid, gingham, checks, and anything nostalgic.

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How can earth help you? If you are looking to feel supported or you have a need to support others, earth is the perfect element to incorporate into your style/being. Such as, if you're growing your family, caring for a loved one, or just wanting to give back in some way. It's also perfect if you're nesting, trying to take life a little easier, and spend more time with family. Who doesn't love an excuse to get cozy and comfortable? Treat yourself to a new pair of stylish sweatpants, a timeless collection piece that you can reach for without a second thought on a daily basis, and rid yourself of the pressure to keep up with whatever trends are "hot" right now. It's the best feeling to be approachable and comfy sometimes.

So, who's feeling a connection with earth?

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Jacket / Sweater / Shirt / Pants / Boots / Purse (my Grandma's vintage) / Hat / Lipstick


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Photography by Heather Kincaid