Real Talk With Real Moms / What's In My Diaper Bag



When I was pregnant and getting everything ready for Sailor, I remember stressing over every little detail about the diaper bag and asking around to my mom friends what I should put in it. It was so hard to imagine being out and about with her, let alone using these foreign baby tools out in the wild. But over the past 11 months, this trusty sack has become such a staple in our everyday lives. What I keep in it has shifted over time. For example, I used to keep a LOT more actual diapers in there as the fear of going through all of them in one trip was very real those first few months. Now she gets changed maybe once each outing. She eats solid foods and drinks formula for some feedings now too, so that changed the contents as well, but there are some things that have remained constant regardless of her age. So today, as part of the Real Talk With Real Moms series, I'm sharing all the details of what I keep inside...



1. The bag. I knew it had to be black to fit seamlessly into my daily looks (along with every other baby item I chose - ha), nylon rather than leather so I could wash it, and on the bigger side to fit everything. I put a lot of thought into choosing it, and never found one in my search that topped this Rebecca Minkoff bag. It has lots of compartments and is very durable for all the throwing around it endures. But now that Sailor is almost a year old and I'm getting the hang of this mom thing, I think I'm ready for an upgrade to a non-baby tote that just happens to have a few baby things in it. This or this perhaps?

2. Diaper changing clutch. I didn't know this thing existed when Sailor was born but after her first flight, we realized we needed a little mini diaper station to be able to change her without needing to take the whole bag into the bathroom. This Skip Hop one has been a total GAME CHANGER.

3. Extra outfit. Always. I try to pick something cute because you know she'll ruin an outfit right when she's trying to bring her A-game.

4. Books and toys. Because keeping her happy and distracted from boredom on the go is crucial.

5. Bottles and formula, which we usually need for a feeding every time we are out for an afternoon. I love the formula container by Munchkin with proportioned servings.

6. Muslin swaddle. NECESSITY ALERT. It's a burp cloth, a changing pad, a mop (as it was the other day for me while trying on clothes at Zara and she dumped an entire bottle of milk all over herself and the floor), a picnic blanket, a lap blanket... whatever you need it to be.

7. Snacks. The puree packets and wafer cookies are great for keeping her fed and happy on the go.

8. A completely random non-baby item from around the house. In this case it was a wooden spoon. These are the only things that truly entertain her.

9. Diapers and wipes. I keep some in the clutch, and some stashed in an extra pouch and other places. I love the ones by Parasol (so soft, thin, and with cute designs), and the ones by Honest (not as soft as Parasol but I do love picking out the designs). I like the Honest wipes, but some feel they are too dry. Parasol bundles come with some nice soft wipes.

10. Hand sanitizer. Confession: I barely ever use it. I wash my hands but I'm not a mom who's constantly reaching for the sterilizers. I really like the Dapple Pure & Clean Hands & Faces wipes though, for when limbs need a little cleaning.








So that's what I lug around on a daily basis for Sailor! I'd love to hear about your diaper bag faves too, and definitely check out what these other mamas are carrying in theirs!

The Effortless Chic / Parker Etc / Sarah Sherman Samuel / The Refined Woman / Living With Leah

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Photography by Heather Kincaid

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