White Out



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I've been back in LA for about a week after our trip to Minnesota, and I'm still noticing ways it did me good. Whenever I spend time there, I get to take a step back and see my life in bigger picture form rather than getting stressed out about all the noise that surrounds me day-to-day. Life is much slower paced, quieter, simpler, and much more serene there. I love how it feels like nothing has changed in my little home town. We go for walks down the same path we always have, past the spot Ian and I got married 7 years ago and down to the same coffee shop that's been the exact same since I was a kid. This time was a little different since it was the first time I've been back home with a baby in tow (what happened to all that extra sleep I used to get there?), but it was so wonderful in new ways too. Sailor explored every corner of my childhood home, was the star of the show with all the family members who came to see her, and she came back a much older, wiser baby. ;) I love that when I'm in the midwest, I get to dial it down a few notches. I enjoy packing because I'm not worrying about calculating the perfect outfits. It's just - is it easy, is it comfy, is it fun? This outfit was all those things, and perfect for an evening stroll through the Carleton College campus.

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Sweater (similar) / Shorts / Sandals / Sunglasses / Purse (vintage)

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