Nashville Snaps


nashville1Going to Nashville was on my bucket list for 2015, so I jumped at the chance to head there with my oldest girlfriends for some country music, farm-to-table dinners, lemonade on the porch, great coffee, and local shopping. It was hotter than you could imagine which made the pregnancy symptoms come out ten fold (swollen feet and general slothness galore) but I didn't care because I was too busy taking in everything the city had to offer with my girls...

nashville2KITTY was such a cool boutique with so many edgy pieces I was so sad to leave behind, like that fringe bag.

nashville3Pinewood Social - coffee shop / bar / restaurant / bowling alley / pool - a unique spot with something for everyone and every mood, so we went there twice.


nashville9Sisters of Nature had an awesome boho country local style.


nashville5 Our cute AirBnb was perfect for a group of five girls plus a 4-month old, and walking distance to some great places.

nashville7Minty bourbon lemonades on the porch (hold the bourbon - boo).

IMG_2309Barista Parlor - the first stop of the day everyday.


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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetHey Rooster General Store - an adorable, tiny spot with local treasures.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThe best avocado tacos and grilled corn right down the street from our house.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetImogene + Willie - I wanted to get an awesome pair of jeans so bad! I'll have to go back after baby just for that.

It was a trip to remember and I can't wait to go back!