Spring Blues


0002 copyI hesitate to call attention to the fact that I've been a little absent from the blog these days by making it a topic of conversation right now because chances are you haven't even noticed and I could have gotten away with it. But I'm a person who likes to put things out on the table in case we're both thinking it. While I love sharing all my inspiration and style obsessions with you guys in a regular editorial schedule, the truth is that blogging with that kind of consistency (and with quality content) is a full time job. The blogging world is pretty competitive. If you don't post at least five times a week, readers tend to leave you for the blogs that are run by people who have made it their full time job. Don't get me wrong, some girls have managed to juggle another job and post everyday, and maybe I need to take those girls to lunch to learn their secrets. But for me, when the other half of my job gets busy, those projects take over my life and the blog gets a little quiet. I hate that I can't do them both in full force all the time, but for me it's just too hard. I hope you guys will still stay with me even when posts are a little less frequent from time to time. Please know that this blog is very much a love of mine and I always come back to it whole heartedly when styling slows down. Right now I think I've reached a point where that's the case, and I can reemerge on here. This is part of why I love my new website so much, because it shows the entirety of my business, so you guys can see what else I might be up to if there's fewer posts to check in on. Also, no matter what I'm doing, I'm always posting on Instagram and Snapchat both at @thelifestyled so you can check in on me there! Phew, I'm glad to get that off my chest. On to the outfit... As you know I'm not much of a color girl, but blues tend to be my jam especially when the temps warm up and black seems a little heavy. I love this top for it's quirky pattern and neoprene fabric of the outer layer. It's obviously not a weekly rotation kind of top but I'm trying to gravitate more towards special pieces when I shop to avoid too much wardrobe basic-ness. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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H&M top (similar) / Current Elliott jeans / Shoemint shoes / Zara bag (similar) / H&M necklace (similar)

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Photography by Heather Kincaid
