Etsy Elite / Holiday

Etsy-Elite-HolidayRow 1: Beneath the Weather star garland / Georges Briard bar glasses from Mod Rendition / Kissa Design ornament / Row 2: Novelty Jumpers sweater / Beachwolf Vintage candle holder / Funky Cool Threads personalized santa sack / Row 3: bastisRIKE tree print / Melodie Perfumes candle / Handmade and Heritage wrapping paper

Beneath the Weather - Handmade paper Christmas decorations based in the UK

Mod Rendition - Gorgeous vintage finds curated in Chicago with each piece more exquisite than the last

Kissa Design - Modern Polish paper star Christmas ornaments

Novelty Jumpers - Your favorite christmas sweater in a variety of colors

Beachwolf Vintage - Vintage housewares with mens clothing and outerwear

Funky Cool Threads - Personal shirts, bags, and more heat pressed by hand

bastisRIKE - A German shop filled with detailed handmade prints made using vegetable based colors on recycled paper

Melodie Perfumes - Modern apothecary women perfumes, perfume oils, soap and indulgences

Handmade and Heritage - Luxury wrapping paper and embroidered gifts

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