The Etsy Elite

Etsy-Elite-4Row 1: Pani Jurek chandelier / Beautiful Line bookends / Minetta necklace / Row 2: Fabulous Mess glasses / Sarah Mimo clock / Native Bear canvas pouch / Row 3: In Haus Press tags / Beach Blues jars / Up in the Air Somewhere vessel

Pani JurekA polish shop focusing on creating multi-purpose products and promoting sustainability

Beautiful Line - Handmade designs and vintage treasures

MinettaA UK based minimalist jewelry shop with delicate pieces for everyday wear

Fabulous MessGlamorous old hollywood and mid-century modern finds

Sarah Mimo -  A Brooklyn based shop creating intricate laser cut wooden clocks

Native Bear - Original stamps, prints, and bags made by artist Leela Hoehn Robinson

In Haus PressSan Francisco based letterpress shop offering minimalist yet quirky cards and gift tags

Beach BluesDistressed and painted mason jars in a variety of colors and metallics

Up in the Air Somewhere - Handmade ceramics and housewares that dance the line between raw and luxury

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