Queen of the Desert


No styling work is more fun than when I get to style my best friends. So naturally I was thrilled to get to be a part of my girl Jaimi's Style at Home feature on Glitter Guide. Jaimi has turned her Palm Springs home into a beautiful and happy place where I've been lucky enough to spend many long weekends with her gabbing and sipping pinot grigio, and I'm so glad she got a chance to share it. I helped her get dressed, choosing outfits from her wardrobe that felt quintessentially her but the Palm Springs version of her - glamorous but relaxed. Heather Kincaid took stunning photos as always, and Jessica Marx helped put the finishing touches on her beautiful home, working her magic the same way she did with mine. I love how this feature really shows Jaimi's inner and outer beauty, and I'm so happy I got to be a part of it. See the rest of the feature here.

Photos by Heather Kincaid
Hair, Makeup and Nails by Fiore Beauty
Interior Styling by Jessica Marx


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