Treasure Hunt

After 2.5 years of living in LA, I had still never been to the Rose Bowl flea market. Despite hearing countless stories of its glory from friends, the stars had never aligned for me to make the trek to Pasadena on an early 2nd Sunday morning. But today was the day. I dragged my husband out of bed and after a quick stop for Kona coffee and cash, we were browsing for treasures by 8am. We scored some great finds, sadly left some behind, and we can't wait to get back there next month.

This beauty showed up at the very end when we decided to do one more aisle for good measure before we were tuckered out. It was a miracle find, since I've been looking for the right dress form for a couple of years and expected to pay $200 for a pretty one. She was a steal at $75 and makes the perfect addition to the office.

The base is my favorite part. I love the industrial feel, but with a touch of femininity in the curves.

I've been looking to build up a wrist full of hard cuffs in mixed metals and these two are sending me on my way.

Spools of vintage grosgrain ribbon. 3 for $10.

The hubby's trusty new tripod. It expands to 4 feet tall and looks cute too. $15.

This distressed ladder adds some structure to the corner. It was $20 and attracted some "where did you find that?" inquiries from other market wanderers. Wish we could have brought home the extra tall one too, but didn't know how to fit it in the car.

These old mason jars came from two different stands and look perfect in our aqua bathroom. They have officially sparked an aqua  jar obsession which will be acted upon on our next trip.

An antique Chinese rice measurer that (for now) acts as a place to throw our keys.

On the list for next month:

- Beverage cart to for entertaining

- A set of Mad Men inspired glasses to sit on said beverage cart

- A variety of tiny aqua jars to line the bathroom windowsill



