Sex and the City 2 Week: Spotlight on Carrie




Metal + Fire

Because the character of Carrie is meant to be the every-woman of the group, her essence is not so heavy in one element. She's a Metal for her love of all things top of the line, and the meticulous perfection of her imperfect life. She's a Fire for being the star of the show by any definition, and immediately owning every room she walks into. This is largely due to her impeccable statement-making wardrobe and zest for life in The City. No matter where she goes, she's always dressed to attract conversation and her outfits are either impossibly perfect for the time and place, or divinely imperfect which in turn redefines perfect. You with me?


Carrie's Rules to Style

1. Every outfit starts with the shoes.

2. Always make sure you're wearing at least one piece that only you can pull off.

3. When you think you're ready to walk out the door, stop and replace the most predictable part of your outfit with something unexpected.

4. Your style comes down to what makes you giddy. If you're uninspired by what you have on, it's time to change.

5. Each day is a new opportunity to reinvent your style... and yourself.


At the Movies

Carrie could literally wear a paper bag and we'd all be running to the nearest grocery store to stock up, which means her perfect outfit possibilities are endless. If she were going to see Sex and the City 2, she wouldn't be deterred by the casual setting of a movie theatre; she'd use it as an opportunity to create a borderline kitschy version of the perfect outfit. She might sport something like this Alexander Wang frock in the quintessential comfy fabric, and clearly far from unfabulous. Add some one-of-a-kind, edgy designer accessories, a gasp inducing pair of shoes, and all she needs are her girlfriend and popcorn.

Sex and the City 2 - CarrieSex and the City 2 - Carrie by thelifestyled