The TOMS Question

I became curious about TOMS after I started seeing them go from the Whole Foods vitamin aisle onto the feet of people everywhere - kids, hipsters, manly men, girly girls.... everyone is wearing these shoes! If you don't know the ones I'm referring to, you may have heard about their One For One Movement, in which for every pair of TOMS sold, they give a a pair to a child in need. What a heroic and inspiring concept! But... are they fashionable?

The answer is yes. Just like your favorite pair of Chuck Taylors, why not make room for TOMS in your casual wardrobe? With such simple styling and a wide variety of fabric choices, it would be hard to find a reason not to buy these shoes. They come in all sorts of colors and patterns, from vegan to glitter, so you can express your favorite style. They're comfortable too, making them the perfect shoe for your daily Coffee Bean run, or walks with your canine BFF. Of course, if you decide to wear them for a first date, or an evening out at the hottest clubs, I can't help you there. But these kicks are definitely stylish when worn with your favorite pair of jeans for your most casual of days. I'll be picking up a pair on one of the following styles, and pairing them with my Farmers Market jean.

TOMS Silver Glitters, $54

TOMS Black Canvas, $44

TOMS Ash Canvas, $44

Still not convinced? Check out the fun little section of their website, How We Wear Them, for more inspiration. At $45-70 a pop, you can conclude that you are in a way paying for that second pair as well, but that's the least we can do considering that TOMS does all the work to actually get the shoes on the kids' feet. All you have to do is make the purchase. Just march on down to your nearest Whole Foods (or and put a pair in your shopping cart next to your supply of bananas, Fage yogurt, and hummus! I guarantee you'll walk away happier than your usual trips to the grocery.