Help Your Closet Help You

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting down to a phone interview with Mimi from the Twin Cities branch of CRAVE, the ultimate resource for local women-owned businesses. The CRAVE: The Urban Girl’s Manifesto guides, which celebrate stylish women entrepreneurs, started in Seattle in 2002 and are quickly spreading to major cities all over the world. I am thrilled and honored to be included in the Los Angeles and Twin Cities batch of ladies, and can't wait until the books launch this spring!

A Closet to CRAVE: Organizing and Creating Your Dream Wardrobe

In our interview, Mimi asked me all sorts of great questions on how to keep a well-organized closet. Check out the article in the CRAVE Crush blog, and find out how your closet can help you towards your best style!

Read the interview in CRAVE Crush

Check CRAVE out on their website, and on Facebook!