Wear Your Fire Resolution: Get Noticed
A Fire New Year
Some of us need a little fun in our lives. Maybe you worked too hard last year or went through a tough time, and have forgotten to live it up from time to time. Or perhaps you're just looking to make a connection with those around you, whether they be old friends or a potential to-be-determined soul mate. Either way, you need to get noticed. Allow me to show you how you can use Fire to help you seek some pleasure this year.
Your Look's Key Words: Dramatic. Fun. Captivating. Flirty. Alive.Style Elements: Sharp shapes. Sparkle. Bright colors. Body con. Animal.
Get Noticed With Fire by thelifestyled featuring Lee Angel jewelry
Tips to Fire Up Your Life
1. Throw a party. You don't need a reason. Just a bunch of your friends, some great munchies, and libations for all. Whether you're in the mood for a game night, girls night, or Jersey Shore night, hosting a party will put you in your Fire element. No matter what, laughs and hugs are guaranteed.
Valentine Dinner Party Invitations, $35
2. Join Twitter. If you haven't already, this is a must. At first glance, it may feel a bit like a way dumbed down version of Facebook, but it's actually a super fun way to stay connected with friends (and celebs), and stay abreast of their daily musings.If nothing else, it's another way to procrastinate from that boring work you're supposed to be doing.
3. Do something daring. Go skydiving. Take a strip tease class. Get a Brazilian bikini wax. Drive a Vespa. Doing something you'd normally be too scared to do will get the adrenaline flowing, and make you feel like you're on top of the world.
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It's hard to imagine a year without Fire energy. It's the element that allows us to connect in a meaningful way with our favorite people, and makes it OK to be all about you every now and then. It's what keeps us sane, and gives us things to look forward to, like those fabulous studded heels you're going to wear to Friday happy hour. Speaking of, gotta go...