Channel It: Avatar


After Santa has come and gone, all the gifts have been opened, and wrapping paper cleared away (into the recycling, of course), many of us are left with the classic Christmas Day question: What now? On my first Christmas with the in-laws, we immediately knew the answer to that question: go see James Cameron's new masterpiece, Avatar. After buying our tickets online, and waiting in an almost war-starting line at the Rockaway AMC theatre, we settled in with our 3D glasses, and were transported to a dreamworld of ground breaking special effects, not-so-subtle political commentary, and lovely crystal clear 3D images of blue and sparkles.

Zoe Saldana as Neytiri in Avatar

While the film is pretty much fashionless, except for a few loin cloths and long "bond forming" braids, it's hard not to be inspired by the fantasy world of Pandora. Here are some fun pieces that reminded me of the Na'vi natives and their immaculate planet of glowing trees and colorful dragons.

Avatar Inspired FashionAvatar Inspired Fashion by thelifestyled

If the Na'vi did wear clothes, these pieces might just fit their lifestyle perfectly. Spending the day lounging at the Home tree? Throw on the silk Downtown Gypsy blouse from My Theresa, turquoise leggings, and your signature leather wrap bracelets. Big night out for your mate-choosing ceremony? The Dorothy Perkins multicolored dress and Fiorelli sequined clutch will reflect the glow of the seeds of the sacred tree gorgeously. Those of us living in the real world will have to settle for occasionally sporting Urban Decay's Heavy Metal eyeliner or red beaded bib necklace in honor of the film - the next best thing to actually living on Pandora.

As I sat there watching by far the most impressive 3D movie I've ever seen, it occurred to me that it might not be long before every movie we see in the theatres will require these funny little glasses, which have already come a long way from the flimsy cardboard throwaways. Will there ever be a time when 3D glasses are sold in designer varieties for fashionistas far and wide to purchase in the style of their choice? Of course, you'll also need the perfect little pouch to store them in, so they can easily be thrown in your purse as you run out the door to catch the next big flick. You never know - with the amazing advancements in technology (and fashion) we witness each year, you may find your own 3D specs on your 2010 Christmas list.

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