Steal It From Him

You've seen it a million times before: Boyfriend blazer. Boyfriend jean. Boy shorts. Menswear shirt. The trend has had staying power ever since Diane Keaton in Annie Hall - heck, since Katherine Hepburn. But this look is more than just an ongoing trend, it's a way to save money and expand your wardrobe by making your boyfriend/husband's clothes your own. Here are a few of my favorite things to go scavenging for. Go ahead! Trust me - he won't mind.Men's Collared ShirtThanks to skinny jeans and leggings, the oversized shirt is a chic look these days. Men's work shirts have no need to be shapely, but in their naturally looser fit, they can add some sex appeal to a fitted pant. If you're really daring, just unbutton one more button and pop the collar. Even roll up the sleeves and add a wrist full of sparkle, and there's no mistaking who really wears... the shirt.

My picks: Abercrombie makes great collared shirts that still have a little bit of shape. I love their classic striped stiff fabrics - easier for collar popping. And I can't get enough of J. Crew's men's flannel shirts. So soft and cozy for winter!

Men's Hanes V-necksThose of us who indulge in the simple pleasures of The Rachel Zoe Project know that former attitudey sidekick Taylor (who I love) relies on these basic v-necks, sold in bulk packs of 5 for about $10. I have discovered that they can easily be formed and stretched in the right places to get the shape you want (I like to stretch out the hem to add length, the neck to add a little Firey-ness, and keep the top more fitted). When paired with your favorite military jacket or leopard print coat and leggings, it's easy to forget these tees were meant for men.

Men's WatchesThere's not much to say about this other than that I LOVE the look of a men's watch on a woman. The oversizedness creates the illusion of a skinnier arm, and when it comes to jewelry, the bigger the better!

My picks: I love the interchangeable bands on J. Crew's Timex military watch. I'll always be lusting after the obnoxiously massive classic men's Rolex Datejust (diamond encrusted, of course), but in the meantime loving Michael Kors' Signature Watch - to the untrained eye, it's almost a dead ringer for the Rolex.

Left: Men's Rolex Datejust With Diamonds, $?
Men's Hoodie
On a whim, I bought the American Apparel salt and pepper hoodie, which is technically considered unisex, but looks more masculine than feminine. It's meant to fit slightly oversized, with a longer length (hello, leggings and skinny jeans) and exaggeratedly bunchy sleeves. I cannot get enough! And neither can Ian, who stole it from my closet today.
Let me tell ya, we are certainly onto something when shopping in, or for, our man's closet. If you buy something new, it's almost like a two-for-one deal if he can wear it too, and vice versa. Or at least you can tell yourself that...
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