Gone Campin'... and Stylin'


Every summer, whether I invite it or not, a camping trip always seems to make its way onto my itinerary, as it did this past weekend at the lovely Lake Cachuma, near Santa Barbara. I might not be able to rightfully call myself the camping "type" per se, unless we're talking about camping by Troop Beverly Hills standards... but nonetheless I do love camping. After all, it's the luxurious vacay of the recession. Throw in a beautiful lake, a great group of people, good campfire cooking equipment, and a jar of Nutella, and there's nothing "rough" about it. Well... almost.Even though there's hardly a mirror in sight throughout the whole weekend, we'd be lying if we said that stops us from caring just a littttttle bit about what we look like. Who doesn't love to have a little fun with the lumberjack/woodsman/girl scout persona that we take on when roasting marshmallows around the campfire? It seems that what works for camping style wise has never changed, and likely never will. We're talking about function, warmth, comfort, and ruggedness. I gotta admit it's fun to channel a little earth and wood in an exaggerated way for a weekend in the woods. The key is sturdy, staple garments that will take you all the way through, and fit in a single duffel. This Polyvore set says it all...

Gone Campin'

Take special note of the Nutella, Mag Lite (in the largest size it comes in - we're talkin' NYPD caliber), Carrera sunnies, and straw hat. All very necessary. If you've got plans to spend a weekend in the wild anytime soon, here are a few more Must Brings for good measure:

L'Oreal Skin Genesis Cleansing Towelettes - These things come in handy when you don't feel like walking the 100 yards to the bathrooms right before bed, and who remembers to bring a fluffy hand towel for drying? No need for water at all with these wipes.Java Monster Mean Bean coffee drink - In spite of the scary can and Monster name, these drinks taste every bit as good as your morning iced latte from Starbucks AND they have a surprisingly low calorie count - 200 in the whole massive can. You may want to stock the cooler with a few extras, so your camping mates aren't stalking you for sips, as I did this weekend.Olive Leaf Paper Soap - The past 3 or so times I've been camping, the bathrooms have water but never seem to have soap. I don't want their gross soap anyway - soap leaves are the bomb!Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo - Who says you have to have greasy hair when you camp? Use this stuff and you'll barely need to wash it at the end of the weekend. Well, let's not go that far.Three Thieves Individual Wine Boxes - Not only are these things "Wine Snob Approved," but they got us kicked out of a NJ golf course once, which means they're doing their job. They sell them at Whole Foods.

Oh, and by the way: I don't know why I never thought of this before, but try adding peanut butter to your s'more. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it...

As tired, achy, dirty, and sick of the red meat + bread diet as I was by the end of the weekend, I couldn't help but look forward to the next trip. Hey, camping is fun, man! But you know what would make it even more fun? One of these...

This 252˚Living Area is still in the design process, but promises to come complete with bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and office. Office!!! Maybe that would mean I wouldn't have to give up blogging in the wild. "Do you guys have, like, WiFi on these campgrounds?" A girl can dream.

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